About the client
SPS Facility Management Services LLC, is a company that provides services which help clients preserve the functionality of their structures and keep it sustainable for longer periods of time. The company caters to the modern living standards of the city of Dubai, UAE as they provide facility maintenance solutions to small businesses and private homes. Their services cover all facility management needs from A to Z.
The challenge
Given the intricacy of SPS’s business, they were in search for a professional company profile to fully showcase the company’s services, goals and scope of their vast work. UCT was contacted by SPS in order to carry out this task and achieve it. As they had worked with previous providers and weren’t quite satisfied with how the designs turned out, SPS turned to UCT to offer them the required level of creativity and uniqueness and the ability to maintain both at an equal level. When UCT began working on the profile, they ensured that the profile to be created does not copy the format of a standard profile found elsewhere.
The solution
UCT had worked closely with SPS to deliver a profile that is well-constructed, presentable and encompasses SPS’s identity, while ensuring that all the written content and included designs were all written and designed with creativity and tailored specifically for SPS. Each service was showcased in a structured and a well-organized manner and the included designs flowed smoothly, giving it an appealing look to make it easy on the eyes to read through and find exactly which service the reader wanted to know more about.
The Result
The newly born company profile, which also served as a portfolio, had a total of 20 pages from its front to the back cover. It enabled SPS to proceed with their plans of effectively marketing and presenting their services. This also included sending it out to their different partners who will now have a better organized access and reference to the large list of services that SPS offers.